img{ border0px none; } #b-navbar{ height0px; visibility:hidden; } Canut Reyes, fils du chanteur gitan : José Reyes et membre des Gipsy Kings: avril 2010

Canut Reyes, fils du chanteur gitan : José Reyes et membre des Gipsy Kings

Je m'appelle François Marie Reyes dit "Canut" et je suis le fils de José Reyes, chanteur et accompagnateur de Manitas de Plata Baliardo. José Reyes est le père des fils Reyes, membres du groupe Gipsy Kings. Vous ne connaissez pas la véritable histoire de Canut : gitan, chanteur, poète, fils du vent de Camargue. Catherine va se faire son interprète et vous conter l'histoire de sa vie. ©Canut Reyes – CJ 2007 All rights reserved

samedi, avril 24, 2010






vendredi, avril 09, 2010

jeudi 08 avril 2010, journée internationale des Roms

C'était hier jeudi 08 avril 2010. Pour la journée internationale des Roms, la commission européenne débattait de leur situation.

Aujourd'hui ou demain, c'est tous les jours qu'il faut agir et poursuivre les actions en faveur de l'intégration des Roms dans le monde entier, leurs droits, leurs cultures et leur mode de vie si particulier "le voyage". Des associations luttent dans ce sens et on n'est jamais trop pour les soutenir.

Je ne suis pas un expert des discours mais je sais que certaines associations, certaines personnes, s'engagent au quotidien pour remédier à ça.

Personnellement je connais le travail de l'une d'entre elles qui y travaille quotidiennement. C'est Shay Clipson, gitane vivant en Angleterre. Je vous mets son lien pour que vous puissiez voir par vous-même ce qu'elle fait et je lui laisse la parole.

Yesterday, Thursday 08 April 2010. For the International Day of Roma, the European Commission debated the situation of Roma.

Today or tomorrow, every day that we must act and prosecute actions for the integration of Roma in the world, their rights, their cultures and way of life so special "trip" . Associations are struggling in this direction and it's never too much for the support.

I'm not an expert of speech but I know that some associations, some people commit every day to overcome it.

Personally I know the work of one of them who work. It's Shay Clipson, gypsywomen living in England. I put this link so you can see for yourself what she does and I let her speak :

Fue ayer, jueves 08 abril de 2010. Con motivo del Día Internacional de Gitanos, la Comisión Europea debatió la situación de los gitanos.

Hoy o mañana, todos los días que hay que actuar y perseguir las acciones para la integración de los gitanos en el mundo, sus derechos, su cultura y forma de vida tan especial "viaje" . Las asociaciones están luchando en esta dirección y nunca es demasiado para el apoyo.

Yo no soy un experto de la palabra, pero sé que algunas asociaciones, algunas personas cometen todos los días para superarla.

Personalmente sé que la obra de uno de ellos que trabajan allí diariamente. Shay Clipson, gitana que vive en Inglaterra. Pongo este enlace para que puedas ver por ti mismo lo que hace y la dejé hablar :

"During the conflict in Kosovo in the 1990’s the Roma were set upon by both sides, many were murdered and many remain missing, others fled for their lives and became displaced people. These were hard working families who had their own business who had built beautiful homes..Suddenly refugee’s in the land they called home.
In 1999 the UN placed the Roma on camps; this was supposed to be a short term placement for around a month. The camps were situated among the slag heaps from a disused lead mine and paint factory. Today over ten years later the Roma remain on these camps. Roma who were allowed entry as refugees into other countries are being sent back to Kosovo and placed on the camps.
The people are dying, slowly and painfully from lead poisoning, the lead affects the vital organs.. Children born in this hell hole are poisoned by the lead whilst still in the womb and face the certainty of a short life filled with suffering and poverty, the parents are also suffering from the effects of the poisoning and cannot work..Helpless, all they can do is watch their precious children die.
The WHO says it is the worst lead poisoning ever measured in living humans, yet these poor people are left on the camps, and nothing is done to help them
The UN often visit and take blood samples but nothing is done either medically or by way of suitable re housing to help.
When a child dies, and sadly this happens regularly..there is no post enquiry.
Please can you help me to campaign to help these poor people?,
We are trying to raise funds to visit Kosovo to “bear witness” to what can only be described as genocide; we can then increase our campaign as “eye witnesses” we need urgently to take warm clothing and nutritious food. If you look at the website you will read about 9 year old Ergin and his little brother Robert who have had the funding for their special diets stopped. Another little boy, 7 year old Denis has the liver of a 60 year old alcoholic, this horrific damage has been caused by lead contamination.
The unique culture of the Gypsy/Roma people makes it very difficult for charity workers from another culture to work effectively, especially with Roma women.
As you will know the Gypsy people were rounded up and murdered in the Nazi death camps. These “camps” in Kosovo are an eerie and sinister reminder. Already we have lost a whole generation of Roma Gypsy children on the “death camps of Kosovo”.
This is Ethnic Cleansing, This is Genocide..This is a Holocaust, and it is happening today in an EU member state!
Huddled in tents in a makeshift refugee camp on the Macedonian border the Roma mothers of Kosovo sent out a heartfelt plea for help, over a decade later they are still waiting for the world to hear their plea’s...( that appeal is printed on the patrinuk website)"

Please visit the Patrin website

Thank you

Shay Clipson (aka Pesha)

Merci à toutes et tous
Thank you everybody
Gracias a todas y todos
